November 3, 2009

Body Language: Spotting Non-Verbal Approvals

This is my second post on body language. The title is a little misleading, that's fine. Are We In? What do I mean when I say this? If you are in sales or require someones approval you will want to know when the conversation is going well. On some level you should know when they have closed you, stopped listening or are downright bored by you.

Before we start, body language is an art. It is compromised of many small gestures that must be combined together to tell you where that person is coming from. Often times some people will give off signs when they do not mean to, or they have become habitual or accustomed. For instance, I naturally cross my legs when sitting it's because I've done it since I was a child and not because I'm uninterested or showing my authority.

Some basics to get you on your way though. Start off by noticing if their arms are fully crossed or half crossed. It gives one a general indication of how open they are to the idea or products you are presenting. Are their arms crossed? They are closed off. Try by giving them something to hold and look at, on a sub-conscious level it will open their mind to what you are presenting. Mid way through a speech their arms cross or uncross? It gives you an idea of how well your presentation is going.

Are they covering their mouth or resting their chin on their palm? Covering of the mouth when talking usually indicates untruthfulness or they have the urge to stop talking. Covering of the mouth when listening shows restraint by the listener. Resting of the chin with both hands shows a lack of interest or tiredness. Resting of the chin with one hand shows interest.

There are many little tells one gives off sub-consciously. If you are lying you truly can't hide it. Even on a conscious level you can't stop every tell. Your body finds a way to give it away. The tone of your voice, itchy hands, covering your mouth or eyes, sweat. This is not a science mind you, its more of an art form. Don't base many decisions on what you gather from body language.

Want to learn more? The Definitive Book of Body Language.

*Full disclosure: To make ends meet this is an amazon link
**Drawings by Matt Groening,  Creator of The Simpsons

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