November 5, 2009

Painful Truth About Success

Succeeding at anything in life is great. Especially when you set out a goal with a timeline that is reasonable. Where you truly try your hardest. Unfortunately, there is always someone around the corner that won't waste much time to pull you back down. Sometimes you have to deal with them before you even start. They try to discredit you in any way. How do you handle these people? There is hope, there are things you can do.

When was the last time this happened to you? I bet you can remember many occasions. Let's be honest now, try to remember when you went out of your way to discredit someones success. Or when you went behind their back, like a man on a mission, to let close friends know how slimy said person is. It's ok we have all done it.

We have all done it at one point or another. The point is you need to take the high moral ground. Be sincerely happy for people moving up or succeeding. Find a reason to be happy for them. If its a co-worker, your life may be easier, some responsibility has transfered over to them. If it is a friend who has jumped in pay grade, well they deserved it and they will become more financially independent. If it is for a competing job, well it just was not written for you. Your destiny is laid out differently. Whether you are spiritual or not, you need to dig deep to find something that you can be positive about. You can't dwell you are better than that. You have a lot to accomplish in life.

What about the individuals pulling you down off that ladder? These people are reacting normally. Some more extreme than others but for the most part this is normal. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can relax and continue on your short journey through life. Let them vent and don't justify or argue with them. These are the moments where you can show off your cool calm collectedness. A trait that is desired as a leader.
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