November 15, 2009

The Zombie Lifestyle

Most of you reading this are reading this because you care quite a bit about your career. You have been at a steady job for the past 2-3 years. As well, on a personal level some of you may have a steady girl or boyfriend. A few of you may even have a wife and/or children.

Well let's play a little mental game. From your daily routine take the following out of the picture: your significant other, your job and if so your children. Completely. They don't exist anymore, it is just you.

Kind of scary isn't it? Can you name 3 other things you do on a weekly basis that are part of your routine that do not revolve around your job? How much time do you allocate for yourself and self betterment? Do you ever relax and think about where you are headed in life? Kind of scary isn't it? Many people go there whole life in this zombie state. Sure there is comfort in a routine. We are naturally afraid of change.
I'm one of those people. I usually have to wake myself out of this state I find myself in every couple of months.  I recommend everyone to reassess, every couple of months, which direction their life is headed in.
My biggest concern when I'm just working my 9 to 5 is I do just that. I work. I don't think, innovate, be creative or be entrepreneurial. I just do.
I think the scariest thing about the whole "zombie" state, and correct me if I'm wrong here, is that when you fall into that daily routine of breakfast, work dinner, news, sleep. Maybe throw in some house work on Saturdays and a football game on Sunday. You lose focus on some life goals. They get pushed aside and next thing you know you are 45 working in middle management for a box company. Asking yourself where your stapler is. Or what copier is better, HP or Cannon. Well.. you get the idea.

So In short, I write this blog in hopes of WAKING YOU UP.

Sit down and ask yourself these questions:

"Who Am I?"

"Am I happy?"

"If I change nothing in life where will I be in 20 years"

Truly ponder each question, let your mind head off in every direction and write down the more valuable information that comes to.. mind. It will be very very counter-productive and cause a lot of heartache and stress but that is the point. Try to switch up things in your daily life, notice any bad habits and try to bring back a little uncertainty.

Don't become a zombie in life.

I recommend the following book if you want to re-motivate yourself or your career

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
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