December 10, 2009

Body Language: Facial Gestures

Now for the second part of my understanding body language guide I'm going to go over some of the basic facial gestures we make and what they mean. I'm going to try to tie this into helping you communicate a bit better at work. You can say the same phrase and depending on your facial expression the meaning can be different for every different expression. I want to stress that body language itself is more of an art than a science still so take everything I say with a grain of salt. I'm not teaching you mind controlling techniques or anything.

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December 2, 2009

Paralyzed man misdiagnosed as coma patient for 23 years

I first seen this story over at looking up odd and funky news stories. But this hit a nerve. Could you imagine being paralyzed with the ability to think? Could you imagine everyday not being able to move? Sucks hey. Now lets assume all your loved ones and doctors think you are in a coma. For 23 years. And you can not call out for help?

If you thought life was ever rough on you think again. We have everything we need to be happy in this life.
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November 25, 2009

Dressing the Part: Pants & Trousers

Now the third installment of our Dressing the Part guide is going to be on pants. Extremely essential to make sure you wear your pants to work as opposed to not wearing your pants to work.

I want to just go over the basics such as the fit, the fabric and the colours of pants you should make sure you have in your wardrobe. Remember this is just the essentials, or shall we say the bare minimum guide.

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My First Full Mixtape

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November 19, 2009

Body Language: The Handshake

Oh the dreaded handshake. If you were lucky enough you got some formal training from your mother or father when you were younger. Usually goes as follows: Make sure you have a firm handshake, not too firm and not too light. That is great advice and by the end of this post I will come full circle and advise the same. But obviously there is more to a handshake than meets the hand? Knowing a bit more about them will go a long way to understanding non-verbal communication.

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November 17, 2009

Dressing the Part: Sport Coats & Blazers

I can see it now. If you have never thought about wearing one to work you are scratching your head thinking why in the world would I bother? Well the thing is most of your colleagues at work have thought the same thing and if they had a choice, they would go with just a sweater or a jacket. That is where you must be bold and different.

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November 16, 2009

Dressing the Part: Over Coats

Well I`m going to start with covering the outer garment first. For the most people this garment should be bought last. You are only seen wearing this into and out of the office. Possibly at lunch time and when off to meetings. If you work quiet a bit on the road well you will get a lot of wear out of your coat and it becomes even more important to stay stylish and sophisticated.
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Guide: Dressing the Part

Now If you ever plan on succeeding in your work life you need to dress the part. Simple as that, there is no way around it. Besides being punctual, courtesy and a natural leader you need to dress the part. Don't ever forget it.
This post is mainly for our male readers. I'm not going to delve into womens fashion, for the workplace, in detail. But to be honest a lot of basic clothing overlaps in mens and womens style. It doesn't hurt to read through it. 
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November 15, 2009

My latest mixes!

So all that talk about becoming a zombie made me realize I should spend some time on some of my hobbies. I have enjoyed DJing quietly for about a year. I will from time to time put up my mixes on here. If I can get enough content going I will dedicate a separate blog to music and all that is holy with it today. Until then you will have to make do with this!

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The Zombie Lifestyle

Most of you reading this are reading this because you care quite a bit about your career. You have been at a steady job for the past 2-3 years. As well, on a personal level some of you may have a steady girl or boyfriend. A few of you may even have a wife and/or children.

Well let's play a little mental game. From your daily routine take the following out of the picture: your significant other, your job and if so your children. Completely. They don't exist anymore, it is just you.
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November 13, 2009

Free Cash Flow

Well, I was looking through my references and found one decent resource. If you do understand the following explanation, great!. I will pull all the information together and provide a case study on a company to open the door on why we are learning all of this. If this all makes no sense still, fear not! I will provide a much more thorough explanation in laymen terms. Especially for those that do not know how to read the balance, income and cash flow sheets.
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Value Investing

I'm a huge proponent of value investing. I think anyone that knows a thing or two about the investment world knows what Value investing is. For those who do not here are a couple quoted definitions.
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November 5, 2009

Painful Truth About Success

Succeeding at anything in life is great. Especially when you set out a goal with a timeline that is reasonable. Where you truly try your hardest. Unfortunately, there is always someone around the corner that won't waste much time to pull you back down. Sometimes you have to deal with them before you even start. They try to discredit you in any way. How do you handle these people? There is hope, there are things you can do.
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For Future Reference

This is my blog. A creative way of expressing everything that comes to life in my mind. I do have an agenda and that is to write everything down for myself. Even for my future kids or for individuals that are just interested in what I have to say. But...
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November 4, 2009

A Take on "Respect"

If you know your history or not, you have been told that Sir Winston Churchill changed the face of the earth. He will forever be known in our history books. And still to this day he is respected.
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November 3, 2009

Body Language: Spotting Non-Verbal Approvals

This is my second post on body language. The title is a little misleading, that's fine. Are We In? What do I mean when I say this? If you are in sales or require someones approval you will want to know when the conversation is going well. On some level you should know when they have closed you, stopped listening or are downright bored by you.
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Understand Everyone Elses Job

The first hard lesson I was taught by my union welding department I oversaw was that I didn't know anything about their jobs. It was true, I didn't.

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Body Language: Triangles and Semi-Circles

A funny name for a title no? Well I'm going to discuss body language for the next couple blog posts. It is a critical component to communication. Actually it's not critical at all once you understand it, like most things in life.
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